Benjamin Beddome (1717-1795) is a largely forgotten 18th Century English Baptist preacher, remembered today only as a minor hymnwriter. For over half a century he served as pastor of the Baptist church meeting at Bourton-on-the-Water, Gloucestershire. He is worth more than a passing glance.
I Rachel Beddome of the City of Bristol make this my last Will and Testament if form and manner following whereas I have in a Deed dated Oc...
A Baptist there was, name of Beddome
He wrote down his sermons then said 'em
He also spent time
on Christian rhyme
They're good - I should know cos I've read 'em.
Benjamin Beddome
A saved Son of Adam
For 55 years preached in Bourton,
There's no end to the things that he taught on
(I used to have the closing line "The blast from his trump not uncertain" but that encourages the mispronunciation of Bourton)
Ezekiel 20:41 I will accept you with your sweet savour In the foregoing verses God promises to establish his worship among the people. God...
Some useful dates
1650s Formed: '50 Welsh Assoc '52 Abingdon or Berkshire Assoc '53 Western Assoc '55 Midlands Assoc
1677 London Confession
1689 Glorious revolution. Rev & repub: London Confession 1690 Formed: Northern Assoc Re-formed: Midland Assoc 1690s '90-'93 National assemblies '90 Pub: "Keach" Catechism; '91 Spiritual Melody, Keach; '96 Spiritual Songs, Keach '97 First hymns, Stennett 1714 Coronation George I '17 Birth: BB; Founded: Particular Baptist Fund
'19 Formed: Yorks & Lancs Assoc '24 Founded: Baptist Board '27 Moravian revival, Herrnhut '33/34 Re-formed: Western Assoc '35 Wesleys converted '36 Pub: Narrative surprising conversions, Edwards, following revival; Gospel Worthy, Fuller '38 Whitefield, Wesley begin open air preaching '40 Great Awakening, America; Pub: Short account Whitefield '41 Whitefield, Wesley split '47 Pub: Humble Attempt, Edwards '48 Pub: Life Brainerd, Edwards
'52 Franklin develops lightning rod 1750s '50 Pub: Evangelical Hymns Wallin; '51 Selection Rippon; '52 Catechism BB
'56 Seven years war begins 1760s '60 Pub: Poems, A Steele; '68 Reign of Grace, Booth; '69 1st Baptist Hymn Book Collection, Ash/Evans; Body of Divinity, Gill '64 Formed: Northampton Assoc
'69 Formed: Norfolk & Suffolk Assoc '70 Strong Arminian Calvinist controversy among Methodists; Formed: New Connexion & Bristol Education Soc
'71 Cook sails to Pacific
'73 Boston Tea Party '76 Declaration of Independence; Sutcliff meets Fuller; Catechism BB (2nd ed) '78 Wesley's Arminian Magazine begun '79 Formed: Kent & Sussex Assoc 1780s '81 Pub: Help for Zion's Travellers, Hall; '84 Humble Attempt English ed (Sutcliff)
'83 Treaty of Paris (Britain accepts American independence) '84 Northampton Assoc prayer for revival '86 Others take up idea; Pub: Gospel worthy, Fuller (w '81) '89 Bastille stormed, French Revolution '90 Rippon's Baptist Register begun '92 Formed: "BMS" (Thomas Paine Rights of man) '93 Carey sails for India (Execution Louis XVI) '95 Death: BB
Welsh pastor [born '59] at Childs Hill Baptist, London ['83ff] husband to Eleri ['88ff]; father to 5 sons [b '89-'01]; 4 daughters-in-law ['09ff]; 9 grandchildren ['14ff] author: several books, many blogs.
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