
Hymn How quick my days have passed away

710 in the book

How quick my days have passed away,
How soon al­as, they’re gone!
Life’s gay­est scenes de­cline in haste,
Just like the set­ting sun.

Always in mo­tion, ne’er at rest,
My min­utes on­ward roll;
Swift to pur­sue their des­tined course,
And soon will reach the goal.

Eternal pains or end­less joys
Stand wait­ing at the door;
The mo­ments past or those to come,
Are not with­in my pow­er.

God of my strength and of my hope,
In whom I live and move,
Help me by Thine in­struct­ive grace
The pre­sent to im­prove.

And if through this re­volv­ing year,
Thou shouldst my life pro­long,
Oh may Thy wis­dom guide my steps,
Thy praise em­ploy my tongue.

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