
Hymn Egypt and Canaan 336

This pilgrim hymn uses Exodus imagery to make its point.

336 Egypt and Canaan LM

ALMIGHTY God, we cry to thee, From Egypt’s bondage set us free And lead us through the wilderness, To Canaan’s land, the land of peace.
2 Be thou our guard by night and day, Amidst the dangers of the way Let heavenly manna crown our board, The flinty rock its streams afford.
3 May we obey thy righteous laws, Defend thy truth, maintain thy cause; And show in thought, in word and deed, That we are Abraham’s chosen seed.
4 Then shall the Lord delight to bless, And grant us his divine increase; Shall lead us to the land above Where we shall feast upon his love.

1 comment:

TheSaxonHus said...

I LOVE Beddome! That has been the case since I first heard of him 10 years ago in a talk by Michael Haykin. Thank you for this site!

I do have a question: I have heard his last name pronounced BED-dum and bed-DOME and bed-DUM. Any idea which is correct?

Bruce D. Walker