
Extant Letters To Beddome

  1. John Beddome Undated (part) After Beddome's baptism (Brooks, Pictures of the Past)
  2. John and Rachel Beddome (Parents) Monday May 26 1740 While he was a student in London (Bristol Baptist College and reproduced in part in Brooks)
  3. John Beddome Thursday May 17 1742 (part) Beddome's preaching (Brooks, Pictures of the Past)
  4. John Beddome Friday August 6 1742 (part) Beddome's preaching (Brooks, Pictures of the Past)
  5. John Beddome After July 1743 (part) Concerning Warwick or Bourton (Brooks, Pictures of the Past)
  6. John Beddome September 1743 (part) Expressing regret at missing Beddome's ordination (Brooks, Pictures of the Past)
  7. John Beddome Monday October 28 1748 Urging Beddome to come and work in Bristol (Brooks, Pictures of the Past)
  8. Church at Goodman's Fields Wednesday November 11 1750 Call to pastorate (Brooks, Pictures of the Past)
  9. Daniel Turner Saturday September 4 1762 Trying to help Beddome in a spiritual difficulty (Baptist Quarterly)
  10. John Reynolds Tuesday December 12 1786. (NLW)
(8 in Brooks, 1 in NLW, 1 in Bristol, 1 in BQ; 6 from 1740-1743; 2 from 1748 and 1750 and 2 from 1762 and 1786)

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