
Beddome dead but speaking in 1825

In The Baptist Magazine for 1825 there is news from itinerant evangelist Isaac McCarthy (c 1780-1859) who worked in Ireland some 40 years (1814-1854) and spent his final years as a minister in England.

Lord's day [April] the 17th I preached in the Baptist meeting house twice. We had a cheering time at the communion and I hope that the impressions made on the minds of the people will not be "like the water spilt on the ground which cannot be gathered up again" but like the "bread cast on the waters seen for many days." My young friend from Tullamore attended and we again resumed our conversation on the subject of conversion, Christian experience and heartfelt religion; the day was passed over with much comfort and mutual profit to each party. My dear brother R-- had visited the people here several times; they express much satisfaction at hearing him and believe him to be very promising and a young man called by the Spirit of God to preach his word. He is my son in the gospel and I am not ashamed of him. In my absence and his, Miss B and my daughter meet the young people and as many more as will attend and read to them Beddome's Sermons and others which contain the same unadulterated sentiments of the gospel. By this means their own minds are kept alive to the divine word and the young persons of the neighbourhood are training up in the knowledge of the truth.

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