
More on Francis Labee 1697-1755

Francis Labee, the senior surgeon/barber-surgeonubder whom Beddome trained for the medical profession appears ti have been born around 1697 and died in1755, He was probably a Huguenot ship’s-captain’s son. Beginning as a Baptiist he became a Methodist. He appears to have taken on two apprentices after 1726 and give more over a 30 year operiod £173/4; 1f; 1731-54). His wife's name was Sarah Labee, Their son Francis junior was also a barber-surgeon. He was apprenticed to his father in 1741and in 1746 became a surgeon’s mate on a privateer. He also taught students later on.

Besides Beddome and his son, Labee's other apprentices include

  • The surgeon John Eaton
  • The barber surgeon John Evans who began in 1735 and was discharged in 1737.
  • The senior surgeon Abraham Ludlow, a Bristolian, in an informal arrangement from 1724. The paument was £20. He himself became a master. He died in 1753. His wife's name was Martha.
  • The surgeon/surgeon-manmidwife Morgan Nicholas who was a Carmarthenshire gentkeman who began his apprenticeship in 1754. The payment was £50. His wife;s name was Mary Gifford. He moved on to Bath.

Beddome's apprenticeship involved the payment of £26 5s.

Labee was also responsible for the training of Martha Powell as a midwife about 1752, She practised in the countryside until 1762 when she returned to Bristol.

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