
Did we mention ... ?

Sometimes it is hard to remember what is on this blog. We have certainly briefly mentioned that Beddome's father, John Beddome, was probably apprenticed as a tailor. A descendant called Mrs N suggests this because of an entry in the Bristol Poll Book of 1754 describing him as "John Bedham, Taylor, Anabaptist Teacher". A letter of 1795 from Joshua Thomas to John Rippon, says John "was not only designed for Trade in London but he actually set up in business there, and was in a promising way. Nevertheless being called to the ministry in Mr Keach's church, Horsley Down, in the Borough, he soon quitted the Trade".  The trade is not named but may well have been tailoring.
One other piece of evidence would be the way Beddome senior writes to his son in London in 1740 saying that he "may get Mr Rogers in Bartholomew Close to make it up for you" [ie cloth]. He then says "give my hearty services to him & his good wife & tell him I would desire him to put it into one of his best hands to make up for you & put a good Button upon it wh it is made.".

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