This hymn is a straight forward telling of the story of Enoch as found in Genesis 5.
330 Enoch LM
DID Enoch walk with God,
His patron and his friend?
Sacred the path in which he trod,
And happier still his end.
2 While others went astray,
Or vile companions chose
His soul maintained the heavenly way
In spite of all his foes.
3 The cause of truth he owned
In that degenerate age
And God the Lord with honour crowned,
His lengthened pilgrimage.
4 The scoffing of men he bore,
But God his way approved;
The unbelieving world no more
Shall scorn the man he loved.
5 Borne on an angel’s wing,
He mounts above the skies;
Exempt from death’s envenomed sting
Behold him joyful rise.
6 Upheld by power supreme,
There’s nought but I could do
Could boldly enter Jordan’s stream
And pass in triumph too.
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